Although as far as I know, nobody even knows I exist, I might as well update this.
I've really had no urge to draw lately, and when I do I always end up drawing the same generic style, with perfect circle eyes and the same expressions. I'm going on an art hiatus until I can develop my drawing skills some more and find a style of drawing that I like and isn't a clusterfuck of what 4chan thrives on.
If you want to, you can usually catch me on G-Mod, which I actually just got yesterday. Steam name is Xiphosuran. If not, I'm probably grinding on Maple Story or Combat Arms. Evancx on Combat Arms, and Mastosuran or (insert other name here(I'll post it later, I can't remember the name and I'm on a school Mac ]:)).
Anyway, I'm just glad I was get this off my mind. Although I suppose there isn't anybody waiting on the mediocre Pulse Series, I'll probably finish it with one or two more pieces, so at least it's done.